Apologies for double-posting this video/podcast episode. I am still figuring out how the podcast/video portion of Substack works and I set the initial posting of this video up as a “post,” rather than a video and podcast. Still learning, but we will get these wrinkles all ironed out soon enough.
The original post is ‘There’s a wide-open Overton Window, and a lot of people have ideas’
I recently had the chance to join my colleague James Hohman, director of fiscal policy at the Mackinac Center on the Overton Window podcast. James and I discussed the Overton Window and how it applies to the attitudes and beliefs that shape public lands and national/state forest management.
James’ write-up of our discussion follows and you can also listen to the full interview by clicking the play button on the video below, on YouTube, on Apple Podcasts, or on Spotify.
You can also learn more about the Overton Window and how it applies to the public policy decisions that are made on the Mackinac Center’s website.
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