How do we get to net zero Co2 emissions when we are destroying the very thing that converts Co2 to O2. I had 10 farmers from all over N Mi and the UP message me on X telling me that DTE and DNR promised them that going SOLAR and Turbine now would save them money, make them compliant with the green mandates and essentially cut costs. Each one said the opposite, not only are they struggling, they have had to augment with fuel bc the panels and turbines are not producing enough energy specifically from Oct-April to run their homes/farms and now they are losing money, problems with panels. This is killing people, businesses, wildlife, and tourism. Appreciate you so much Jason and I am an avid outdoorsman, Gaylord has grown so big, but the forests must stay. How can a former judge with no environmental training or education decide what is pristine, what isn’t and properly assess the over impact on the entire ecosystem?

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This type of comment is hitting on a more and more common theme. The progressive greens' promises that wind and solar would solve environmental problems, be good for the environment, and make money/reduce costs are all being proven completely false.

Repeated stories show how wind and solar power are harming the environment, taking good jobs and replacing them with mediocre options, killing wildlife, raising costs, and harming overall grid reliability.

I'm happy that people like you are willing to stand up and LOUDLY state that they have been lied to and this green emporer is not wearing any clothes.

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We have to pass it to find out what’s in it! We have to deny reliable base load electricity for a gimmick. Just incredible, the power of the green grift truly maddening.

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We can take some solace in the fact that the damage that all of these progressive green plans have done over the past several decades is now becoming painfully obvious. With the fires in California, the grid instability and rapid increases in prices, the inability of EVs to meet drivers' needs, kids terrified that the world is going to burn up tomorrow, etc., people's eyes are opening, and they are beginning to push back.

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It was hard not to laugh when you guys did and interrupt my listening… I was driving so I was not in a position to rewind 🤣 I think they’re like a face only a mother could love……

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So sad it took so much destruction and fear mongering to get people to start caring.

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Are Whitmer’s mandate goals tied into how much funding will be received from Federal Government? Is she pushing this so hard and so fast that she wants to reach that goad first bc the incentive package is bigger/

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Yes. Several states are making the same efforts to grab up as much federal (IRA) spending as possible while it still exists. They are very open about their intentions and happy/proud that they are getting so much money to spend on their green programs. One example for you. https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/issues/michigan-infrastructure-office/mio-press-release/2024/07/26/michigan-brings-home-35-million

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Thank you, that makes perfect sense

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So this perhaps something that falls under Trumps umbrella to recall funding for these programs nationwide. Especially if the land is found linked to CCP

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We'll definitely be pushing Mr. Trump to rescind IRA funding wherever and whenever possible.

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It’s not optional, it is something our Senate has to do. Your work is incredible and credible, it has to get into the hands of the right people as does Zee’s

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Why can't these be placed over parking lots or on top of buildings instead of in our open fields and cutting down forests?

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I recently responded to a similar comment on X.

"First, let’s not waste any more tax dollars, or do any more damage to the stability of our electric grid by building more solar.

Second, if Gretchen Whitmer and utility execs are going suffer from anxiety problems if they don’t get to continue to wallow in billions of our tax dollars and damage grid with more solar, then, yes. Put them on brownfields."


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Do not California my Michigan..

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What would happen if, the DNR is selling land at 40 per acre and a group of people incorporated to buy that land or is it only biddable /sellable to specific pre approved contractors? Just trying to think of ways to slow down the land grabs until the Federal Government can come up with different mandates and/or MI house and senate tie it up in regulations demanding zoning, studies, environmental impact be reviewed, long enough to maybe get a voter initiative on a special elections ballot. I don’t know..

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